Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Completed Closet

Here is a better picture of the finished closet with all their little clothes hanging in it.  Yesterday was my first day of "baby laundry", where I washed all their clothes and tried to organize their closet a bit.  It's hard to believe that soon there will be two little babies who live here and wear all these adorable, tiny clothes!


  1. Oh look at all those darling clothes...
    Can't wait to see the precious babies that will be wearing them!

  2. That's some mighty fine structural engineering, I think you guys missed your calling. Are you going to have a 'his' and 'hers' section? Or are you sorting by age?

  3. Her clothes are on the right and his are on the left. The top rack has the preemie and newborn clothes and the bottom rack has clothes for future months that I just couldn't help but to go ahead and buy. =)

  4. And the laundry begins! We're already at the point where we can realize that it's time to do laundry again, and we haven't had a chance to fold the previous load(s) yet. Now with *two* little ones getting grubby and spitting up on your shoulder.... :)
