Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Little Miss Independent

To say that Evelyn is independent is an understatement.  I know all children go through the "I can do it on my own" stage, but Evelyn is taking this to an entirely new level.  Almost every time I try to hold her hand or help her with something (for example, preventing her from drowning herself), she will  say "No! No! No!"  She is definitely her own woman.

A couple weeks ago, our church showed Frozen on the big screen in the auditorium.  We took a big blanket and some camping chairs to set up our little "picnic" to watch the movie.  Evelyn insisted on carrying her big plastic lawn chair into the church from the van.  That chair is as tall as she is and she dragged it from the parking lot all the way into the auditorium.  Here is what happened when Jason tried to carry it for her:

Last week at the pool, she was walking down the stairs (to the big pool, not the baby pool) and was going to walk beyond where she could stand.  Of course, she also refuses to wear a puddle jumper.  When I tried to stop her, she cried and protested.  I figured the life guards probably wouldn't appreciate me letting my baby drop into the water, so I nudged her back up the steps, much to her dismay.  I spent the rest of our time at the pool trying to prevent her sneaking around me and jumping in the deep end.  Isn't this an interesting contrast to the little girl who would flip out if the tiniest of waves came anywhere near her toes (only a couple weeks ago)?

Evelyn is definitely at a stage where she wants to walk on her own.  If I try to carry her in a parking lot or even have her take my hand, she usually puts up a fight.  Luckily, she is also very easy going, so she mostly just pouts (versus throwing a full blown tantrum).  Nevertheless, she makes it clear that she would rather not have your help.

She is also growing and learning each day, saying 4-5 word sentences now and communicating very well.  She can climb up onto the couch without having to use a stool or get a boost.  She is drinking out of regular cups without straws.  Every day is full of new words and songs (she loves to sing "Let It Go" over and over and over).  I can't believe she will be two years old in just over a month… the age that Miles and Vivienne were when she was born.

"Baby Evelyn" isn't a baby anymore.  And she wants to be sure that we know it.

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