Friday, February 7, 2014

Preschool! Phew!

Oh my goodness, this was the most stressful morning I have had in a long time (and that's saying something when you have 3 kids under 4).  This morning was the lottery for the preschool that was my top choice.

I intentionally started the morning with a Pilates class at the Y, so that I could keep my mind off the impending anxiety.  It worked very well, and I was actually pretty relaxed until I got to the church.  Here is how it worked:  first, you arrive between 9:30 and 10:30 to get your number.  At 10:45, they start pulling numbers out of a box and you either register or are waitlisted based on your number.  And, of course, I need 2 slots.

I knew before going that they only had about 2 slots for 4-year-old boys and about 6 slots for 4-year-old girls.  And I knew that there would be a lot of people there, including some friends of ours.  I arrived and found a seat and chatted with some friends until they finally started calling numbers.  And they called more numbers.  And the line for the 4-year-old registrants was getting longer and longer (ugh).  The line was much, much longer than the number of 4-year-old slots that were left.  And they called more numbers.  And FINALLY they called my number.

When I got to the front of the line, my heart had already sunk.  The lady said that she had a few slots for girls, but no boy spots.  She asked me what she should do.  (My strong suggestion was that she should just let me register them both.  Ha.  Ha.  Have I mentioned that you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen, lady?  Oh, and look!  I just dropped a $20 right in front of you.  Whoopsie!)  She went to go check with the director of the preschool.  It seemed like she was gone forever.   Seriously, this was ridiculously anxiety-provoking.  It's just preschool, for goodness sake!

When she got back, she said, "I need you to lean in a little closer."  I leaned in, anxiously.  "I'm going to put your kids in.  Don't ask any questions.  Just give me your sheet and go see the director."

Cue Hallelujah Chorus!  I seriously almost teared up.  I'm nearly crying over preschool here, people.  (What is wrong with our society?)  When I spoke with the director, she said that they couldn't let me register just Vivienne without registering Miles, so they were just going to make room.  So it turns out that our "twinness" was an advantage instead of a disadvantage.

I know this all sounds pretty ridiculous, but it would have been so unsettling to be on a waitlist at 2 preschools and not know for sure whether my kids would have a spot at either school come Fall.  I am so, so thankful that I have peace of mind... and that my kids are at an amazing school (my top choice) that is only about a mile from our house (with not a single red light in between).  I prayed about this a lot, and I'm just so thankful that it worked out the way that it did.  I am so excited for Miles and Vivienne, because I know that they will love school and that they will learn so much and make new friends. 

And if all this didn't make for a great enough day, all three of the kids are sleeping AT THE SAME TIME right now.  This hasn't happened in over a week.  Ahhh...

(The funny thing is that as I close this post, I still feel some residual anxiety from this morning.  I think I need to do some yoga or something.)


  1. Yay! So happy for you! Having both our kids at the same preschool has been wonderful even if they are not in the same class.

  2. You got it! Seriously nerve-wracking though. Glad the twin situation worked for the positive. Because really, putting one at one school and the other somewhere else is not even a consideration to me! As if you don't have enough logistics to handle already. They will love it!
