Saturday, November 19, 2011

Fun at the Playground

We are lucky to live in a town with lots of great parks and playgrounds for the kids to explore.  We go to many of them regularly, and there is enough variety that they don't get bored (though I doubt that they would really get bored at this age?). 

My mom was here helping me last week while Jason was in Seattle on business.  We spent a lot of time at one particular local park that the kids really enjoy.  We soaked in the amazing Fall weather that we have had recently.  The kids climbed, crawled, walked, jumped, slid and explored like crazy.  The leaves were at their peak, and the camellias were in bloom. 

I love spending time each day with the kids outside so that they can learn to appreciate the beauty that God created.  I also like to give them these opportunities outside to practice their motor skills in new environments.

Sitting in the Fallen Leaves of a Ginkgo Tree

They loved it when we would bounce with them on this wobbly bridge.